About Us
About the Holy Flock of Christ
The Holy Flock of Christ is a Christian Organization established for the sole purpose of propagating the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by means of exemplary life and precepts, services, open-air services, revival meetings, sacred songs, musical instruments and spiritual exercises consistent with God’s law and ordinances.
The Holy Flock of Christ was established on Pentecost Sunday, May 15th 1932 in Lagos, Nigeria through a servant of God, Major Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence. It was an offshoot of the spiritual awakening and resurgence of “praying power” that was sweeping the south western part of Nigeria in the association of the “Aladuras” typified in the “Cherubim and Seraphim” movement.
The Holy Flock of Christ was established in the response to a commandment of God through the founder when he was commanded of God to form a church in which “Holiness” and the “Fear of the Lord” reigns supreme.
The Organization experiences a good period of growth in Nigeria until the Lord commanded another of his servant to establish a branch of the Holy Flock of Christ here in Philadelphia, U.S.A. This was fulfilled by the late Ven. Joseph P. Abiola when the Holy Flock of Christ was established in Philadelphia in August, 1980.
The Holy Flock of Christ is a very unique Christian Organization in which the Spirit of the Lord is moving. It is definitely believed that the following prophecies contained in the 28th verse of the second chapter of Joel are being fulfilled:
“I will pour out my SPIRIT on all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28)
And that it is the duty of every true believer and disciple of CHRIST to bear a personal witness to HIS Gospel and assist in the general evangelization of the world, the injunction being:
“Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature..…. and these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:15-18)
Every believer in GOD and in His Son JESUS CHRIST shall be eligible to become a member of this Flock. All new members should be prepared to obey the Ten Commandments of GOD as given in the 20th Chapter of Exodus, verses 2-17; and also the existing Constitution and Regulations, and Bylaws of the Flock, and those hereafter made.
Admission shall be free for:
“Freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matt 10:8)
Our Religious Practices
Members of the Holy Flock of Christ must have a general white praying uniform which is always used during the Sunday Services and Prayer meetings. Praying Uniform as a rule are not worn outside the sanctuary except while in procession. It is compulsory for all the menbers who are desirous of becoming full members to have their praying uniforms ready during their induction service. White Linen signifies the kind of robe given to all overcomers in the Kingdom of GOD.
Our LORD, JESUS CHRIST taught us to fast and pray without ceasing. Without fasting and prayer we cannot have spiritual power to confront evil powers.(Mark 9:28-29). Jesus Christ and all the Apostles fasted, and their ministries were filled with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. (Matt 4: 1-11, Acts 4: 23-31) As a general rule, it is incumbent on all the members of this organization to fast on all Fridays to request for the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Water is consecrated for the use of the members for healing purposes under the directive of the HOLY SPIRIT (Rev 22:1-2). According to the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT, we use the book of PSALMS and the name of JESUS CHRIST to bless water for the use of all members.
It is our practice to say “AMEN” at each statement of our prayers as a seal to our prayer requests (Duet27:16-26). “AMEN” is one of the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Rev3:4) and it is always use to end our prayers.
It is our practice to shout “HALLELUJAH” once, thrice, seven or twenty one times (as directed by the HOLY SPIRIT) to praise the LORD for a special blessing or for a victory procured to honor the LORD’S name, at the end of our special prayers and anniversaries.
The HOLY SPIRIT has prescribed for us to use annointed oil to consecrate our pastors and all spiritual workers in the organization (Exodus 30:23-33), and for the healing of the sick (James 5:14-16)
Holy Candles are used in our prayer meetings in the House of Prayer or privately by members for devotional prayers. The candles are used as permitted; One candle signifies that the LORD is ONE, Three candles signifies the HOLY TRINITY and Seven candles signify the SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD (Rev 4:5). Twenty one candles are used at times for special prayers as directed by the HOLY SPIRIT. Colored candles are not permitted to be used for prayers in the organization.
Incense is burnt during our devotional prayers and divine services as a sweet odor to the LORD (Exodus 30:1-9)
We are directed by the LORD to bring fruits to the House of Prayer during our prayer meetings. The fruits will be blessed and distributed to all members signifying the fruit of life given to overcomers in the First Ressurection (Gen 2:9, Rev 2:7)
The History of the Holy Flock of Christ
The life and times of Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence
Founder of Holy Flock of Christ
By Most Ven J.O Osinbowale D.D
Translated to English by Joshua K. Obaniyi
Aladura (the prayer people) is the collective name given to the movement that strongly believes in divine healing, vision and dreams, deliverance from Satan and spiritual bondage through belief in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the power of fervent prayer, fasting and consecration
Baba Aladura is a title given to the supreme leader of the Aladura movement. It is a term loosely translated as the “the father of prayer”, but has come to mean and could be likened to a Chief Priest, Supreme Primate, Bishop, Spiritual Leader……..etc
The founding of Holy Flock of Christ is intricately linked to the history of the founder; Major Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence. So to write the history of Holy Flock of Christ, we must first start with the history of A.B. Lawrence.
It is this Aladura movement, a phenomenon of spiritual awakening witnessed at the turn of the 20th century in Lagos and it’s environs in Nigeria that the Lord is calling Major Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence to serve in.
Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence was born in Lagos, Nigeria on the 25th of December 1898. (Hence the name Abiodun). His father hailed from Ikole Ekiti but was raised by Brazilians in Lagos. His father died in 1923. His mother was originally from the Ijebu people of Western Nigeria. His mother traded in selling yams; hence she was fondly called by those who knew her as “Iya Onisu” (A female Yam seller). His mother died in Sunday, 8th of November, 1931 in 49, Kakawa Street, Lagos Nigeria.
Childhood: (1898-1904)
When A.B.Lawrence was an infant, it was revealed to his parent that this child will be a leader in the future; and that a lot of people will be followers of him. He developed up with his peers gently but he developed the habit of viewing everything “spiritually” right from his youth. It was without question that the hand and sign of the Lord is with this young child.
Education: (1904-1910)
A.B.Lawrence attended St. Peters Primary School in Faji, Lagos. He was a brilliant student, always outperforming his peers in his studies. This was testified to by teachers and student alike.
Daily Secular Work: (1910-1932)
When A.B.Lawrence graduated from school, he was admitted as an apprentice to the C.M.S Printing Press in Broad Street, Lagos in order to learn the art and trade of Printing. Printing was a big thing in Lagos, Nigeria in the 1920s. He graduated in this trade with distinction and he worked for a while as a printer in the C.M.S Printing Press, Lagos. He later joined the Nigerian Railway Printing Press in Ebute-Meta to work as a printer till 1932.
He left all earthly vocation to answer and focus on the spiritual call in 1932. This was a fulfillment of prophecies of visioners that “earthly vocation will be taken away from the Leader A.B.Lawrence so that he can focus on his true call; Spiritual Work”. And it was so.
Interaction with His Family:
A.B.Lawrence is person that has love for all people. It is no surprise that A.B.Lawrence exhibits this love among his folks and relations. By love, goodwill and his philanthropic efforts, he was able to render help and assistance to all his family in all manners, ways, shape and form. Also he uses his gentle words and actions to pacify things among his family when need be.
Divine Worship:
A.B.Lawrence is a Christian, and he worshipped and served regularly in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Faji, Lagos; a church within the Anglican Communion. He was a lover of Divine Worship and he worships the Lord with his heart mind and soul in his place of devotion. He was also a good worker in the parish. Not lazy.
Because of this he held the following post:
- Sidesman
- Executive Member; Young men Christian League
- Executive Member; Young men Christian Union
- Sunday School Teacher
He performed all the above duties faithfully without regard to man.
He also made it a habit to visit prison every Sunday to visit prisoners and feed them with the Word of God so that they can be born again in the Lord, and be better assimilated into society after they are released by cultivating good works. He did this dutifully with his peers at the time: Mr. Ogunmefun of the C.M.S Bookshop and Mr. E.J Fasoro.
All the above revealed that A.B. Lawrence had received the steward’s call to work in the Lord’s vineyard right from his youth. He also works closely with the elders of the church because the anointment of God is on him.
Abiodun Bbabatunde Lawrence was intreated by Elder W.A. Akinyemi (Dr. W.A.M Akinyemi’s father) in 1926 to join the Sacred Movement of Cherubim and Seraphim Society in the city of Lagos. Cherubim and Seraphim founder was founded by Pa Moses Orimolade. It was a surprise for his contemporaries to find A.B. Lawrence joining such a movement. It was for the peasants to join such a movement, not a person of A.B. Lawrence’s caliber. He was highly educated and had status in society.
But he was so much gifted in spiritual matter that he easily excelled in this new movement.
A.B. Lawrence was a founding member of a prayer warrior group within the Aladura movement itself, charged with prayer ministry. They were divinely chosen and hand picked by the Pa. Moses Orimolade. As the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ is to Jesus Christ, so also this core prayer group is to Pa Moses Orimolade. They assisted Orimolade in all matters of special prayers and spiritual warfare. Also they are the inner core of the original Aladura movement. These seven Leaders with Moses Orimolade are responsible for the spiritual well-being and progress of the Cherubim and Seraphim movement.
The leaders are named below:
- Leader E.A Davies (Father to Lawyer H.O Davies)
- Leader H.A Phillips (Later became the Baba Aladura for the Cherubim and Seraphim movement)
- Leader A.B. Lawrence (Founder of Holy Flock of Christ)
- Leader C.B. Olumuyiwa (Trusted Assistant to A.B. Lawrence)
- Leader D.K Idowu (Always the Truth bearer without fear)
- Leader J.A Phillips (Later became the Baba Aladura for Cherubim and Seraphim movement in Agege and the states above in Nigeria)
- Leader J.O Adefope (Extra-ordinary Visioneer and 2nd Spiritual Leader, Holy Flock of Christ)
By the enablement of the Holy Spirit and due to the special anointing given to A.B. Lawrence in the discernment of spiritual things; A.B. Lawrence have a special and close relationship with Moses Orimolade. He was positioned as the head of the Visioneers and Seers and it was Moses Orimolade through divine injunction that added the title “Major” to his name. Hence he was always referred to as “Major Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence”.
In October 1926, A.B. Lawrence had a prophetic revelation to be revealed in the future to the whole world, but this will not be made known until 1932 by the establishment of Holy Flock of Christ Organization. In this wise the aforementioned prophecy came to fruition.
In 1928, a star was well seen by all over the residence of A.B. Lawrence in 49, Kakawa Street, Lagos. This star was manifested as a mighty sign amongst the Cherubim and Seraphim movement that even Moses Orimolade has to go and see. Also another star was visible in the same place shortly after the Holy Flock of Christ was established. This was visible and witnessed by many people at 10:30 p.m. on the 12th of December 1933. These are signs showing and attesting to the divine nature of the work that Major A.B. Lawrence was doing and will do.
In November 1928, shortly after the yearly Convention/Revival of the Cherubim and Seraphim Society, there arose a big disagreement over matters arising within the Cherubim and Seraphim movement. This disparity led to the first schism within the movement. As a result of disagreement with Moses Orimolade, in February 4th 1929, Captain Abiodun Akinsowon splited from the movement and started her own society; another variation of the Aladura movement; at Daddy Alaja Street in Lagos, Nigeria. But the seven leaders mentioned before stood with the Baba Aladura, Moses Orimolade. Unfortunately, the reason for the disagreement was not dealt with by Moses Orimolade. And this is going to lead to further rifts in the movement.
Mission to Okun Ibeju in 1929:
On the 7th of February 1929, three days after Captain Abiodun established her branch of the Cherubim and Seraphim movement, Baba Aladura, Pa. Moses Orimolade sent the seven leaders to Okun Ibeju to pray on matters arising, particularly matters that caused disagreements and contentions in the movement. Also it is at these kinds of prayer meetings that Lord will speak back to His people through visioneers and seers as to the solution to the besetting problem. (Okun Ibeju, about 10 miles from Lagos next to the Atlantic Ocean, is a hallowed ground, like a retreat in which prayers could be offered without the normal distractions faced in the city).
These are the three Prayer Points given by the Baba Aladura for the seven Leaders to supplicate on:
- Prayer for Leader Abiodun Lawrence safety (Safety from what?)
- Prayer for Ijesa for deliverance from adversaries
- Prayer of safety for Afonja (Safety from what? Who is Afonja)
We can only conjectured here that the prayer for Major A.B. Lawrence was just a ruse to win Lawrence to the Baba Aladura’s side over the matters in contention; and the prayer for Afonja and Ijesa will results in a vision castigating those not on Afonja and Ijesa’s side.
But these are the messages the Lord sent through Major A.B. Lawrence in a vision at that prayer meet:
On prayer for Leader Abiodun Lawrence safety:
MAJOR: “Do not believe in gainsaying. Do not desist in prayer; night and day, due to dangers that threaten the body. Do not look for help from people. Only look unto the Lord. The Lord that brings people to the wilderness will also empower his people. The cross cannot be parked somewhere temporarily, it must be carried now.
Be ready to tell the truth to Moses Orimolade and all members of the Cherubim and Seraphim movement. Be ready to fight for the truth only, because only by doing so can you dwell with the Lord. There is an eye that never sleeps and it sees the entire secret thing in the heart. Do not have any association with a fruitless tree in the daytime or nighttime.”
On prayer for Ijesa for deliverance from adversaries
Major: “ Layinka Ijesa behavior can be likened to a dyed multicolored cloth (adire). There will be peace for him everywhere. But whenever he joins the Cherubim and Seraphim movement, there will be divine injunction from above to introduce fights, contentions, and disagreements in to the movement.
Be it known to Moses Orimolade that whenever he brings Layinka Ijesa to join the movement, the Cherubim and Seraphim movement will be taken from him or he will be called to be with the Lord.
Let Moses Orimolade know that the staff/rod given to him is a lighting staff/rod; care must be taken so that an impure shadow from an unclean being is not allowed to pollute or diffuse this lighting rod/staff.
A lion was seen to the right while a hut built with leaves is seen to the left in the vision; then a voice was heard asking, “Can the lion dwell in this house that is built with leaves”?
Because the heavenly host working with Moses Orimolade are holy beings, let it be known to Moses Orimolade that the cup/vessel in your hand is to be used to for holy things, not vice versa. If the cup/vessel is used rightly, the cup will be filled with holy things abundantly. Remember Shadrach, Mesach, Abednego, John the Baptist, Elijah and Moses are forever dwelling with the Lord.
On prayer for Afonja safety:
Major: Whomever deals deceitfully cannot dwell with the Lord. Afonja may be counted with the Cherubim and Seraphim movement of this world, but he does not belong nor is he counted among the Cherubim and Seraphim movement of heaven above, because he does not bear the fruit of repentance. He joined the movement without leaving his worldly ways or consecrating himself. The idol of Egypt is still in his heart and the man is not looking for a way of peace. He has replaced the holy mantle covering the Altar of God with an unholy filthy rag.
It is seen in the vision that various things like black goat leg bones, cutlass used in pig’s slaughter, dark strings used in animal’s intestine cleaning, and black stones all together collected are given to Afonja to carry on his head.
Five houses were made in sand, houses built with foot impression in sand. These animals are depicted in the houses: Fox (Kolokolo), Water-bird (Osin), Pig (Elede), Hawk (Awodi) and Scorpion (Akeke). Let Moses Orimolade enlightened the work of each animal depicted above to the seven leaders undertaking this prayer meeting. Remember that Zechariah, the priest saw one of these animals while he was serving in the temple; also imagine Solomon using one of these animals in the purification and consecration of the temple when it was completed.
Thus concluded the special prayer meeting and the seven leaders came back to deliver these messages to Moses Orimolade.
Unfortunately, these divine messages are rejected and not heeded by Moses Orimolade, thus leading to another rift in the Aladura movement.
The seven leaders departs from Moses Orimolade and thus started meeting under the auspices of the “The Holy Cherubim and Seraphim Aladura Movement” with Leader E.A Davies as the Chairman of the Executive and Major A. B Lawrence as the Spiritual Leader.
However the movement will not last for a long time, it was splited again when others did not listen to the divine messages from God. God thus commanded Major A.B. Lawrence to leave the movement.
Major A. B. Lawrence is the leader of his contemporaries in this movement. It is known surely that the Lord is with him and all work been done by Moses Orimolade is in conjunction with A.B Lawrence. He is an unparalleled visioneer in the movement and worldwide. His visions and messages is to the point and accurate. He speaks with angelic host consciously and he receives divine messages from heaven above continually.
Some of the work that he implemented as the Spiritual Leader in the Holy Cherubim and Seraphim Aladura Movement are as follows:
- Spiritual Leadership of the Movement
- Spiritual Preparation
- Revival/Convention Robes Revelation/Preparation
- Visioneers Oversight and Administration
- Interpretations of Visions and Dreams
- Prayer Warfare; in healing ministrations
- Words of exhortations to members. His words are divine messages. Like an Angel speaking.
- Weekly and Annual Divine Messages delivery. These messages are results of his direct interaction with Angelic beings given him messages to mankind.
Major Lawrence is gifted with the knowledge of what the duty of each section in the movement is. These is a reflection of the duties perform by these section in heaven and he performs this job dutifully in the education of each section.
Unfortunately, divine messages are not adhered to. People want to return to fads and fashion. The voice of the Lord is rejected. Holiness is not being practiced anymore, even among the leaders. Shameful things are being done by majority of all. Love of the flesh is overcoming spiritual love. Because of this, God commanded A.B. Lawrence to leave the movement.
On the 20th of February, 1932, A.B. Lawrence went on his annual prayer tour to the Olorunkole Hill, near Ibadan, Oyo State
These are the prayer points of that day:
- Prayer that all nations should be born again spiritually.
- Prayer that spiritual worship should not become a thing of a past in the world
Divine messages given to him at that prayer was printed and distributed to all free of charge after the prayer. Also this message was reprinted and redistributed to all in remembrance of him a few years after his passing away to glory.
On his return from Olorunkole hill he went straight to Ibeju beach where he fasted and prayed forty days and night throughout the Lenten period of 1932. On his return from Ibeju beach he went to the Cherubim and Seraphim movement to deliver this message to them.
The message is that the Lord wants him to disassociate himself from The Holy Cherubim and Seraphim Aladura Movement. This was delivered after the Wednesday Meeting/Service on 13th of April 1932. Despondency and sadness fell upon a lot people after hearing this message, but some show an I-don’t-care attitude to this message. But it should be noted that those with the Spirit of the Lord vowed in their heart to follow this man to anywhere he is going.
Three leaders from the movement that decides to follow him are these:
- Leader C.B. Olumuyiwa
- Leader D. K. Idowu
- Leader J.O. Adefope
A lot of the V.I.Ps of those days who were members of the movement decides to follow A.B. Lawrence after the announcement, because they saw the mark of the Lord on him and they do testify that the Spirit of the Lord is using this man. We do not have enough space to enumerate their names, but they are surely known to Jesus Christ and their names are surely written in the Book of Life.
Also we have a lot of people joining him after this announcement was made.
The Foundation of Holy Flock of Christ
The Foundation of Holy Flock of Christ is a mystery to all people. Reason? Prior to the foundation of this Flock, a lot of people had this question in their mind: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” And the Lord is answering them by: “Come and see”.
Let the words of the Most Venerable A.B. Lawrence speaks to us as he wrote down to us the first report about the founding of this Holy Flock of Christ:
“We prayed for 36 days.
On the dawn of 15th of May 1932, after the Morning Prayer, 321 names were voluntarily added to the register of this Holy Flock of Christ.
In the evening prayer meeting, the Almighty God surrounds us with His rainbow. Two women went into labor in the morning and three christening/naming ceremony were performed.
In the morning service of 15th of May 1932, the name of this organization was given from above as HOLY FLOCK OF CHRIST. The glory sign appears on children, adult male and female. The children’s and female glory sign is a lot.
Forty days after the PENTECOST day, the liturgy, rules and regulations to be used in this organization was given to us from above, which we are using now presently in the Flock.”
These are the address in which we first congregate as Holy Flock of Christ:
- 49 Kakawa Street, Lagos. (House of A.B. Lawrence)
- 38 Martin Street, Lagos (Elder J. Ayo-Coker’s house; Cherubim Leader)
- 176 Bamgbose Street, Lagos (Snr.Spiritual Elder C.B. Olumuyiwa’ House)
- 23 Koseh Street, Lagos (Elder D.K. Idowu’s House)
- 3 Balogun Street, Lagos (Elder J.O. Adefope’s House)
Ebutte Metta Branch was not established until some time later.
Wednesday Revival meeting was first held on Odunlami Street, but because of “the fear of the Jews” it was moved to 49 Kakawa Street, Lagos.
Saturday Night vigil was regularly held and we now recall some those earlier visions that was sent to us from above:
- “All of us are carrying Bible facing the east, but only a few of us read it regularly.
- “A crown will be given to overcomers”
Here ends the hand written testimony from the founder of the Holy Flock of Christ, Most Ven. A.B. Lawrence.
Consider this song, always an inspiration to Holy Flock of Christ members:
Verse 1.
God the Creator who established this Flock
For all His redeemed individuals on earth.
By the Hand of Savior of the whole wide world,
We do praise and magnify thy name.
Oh, Rejoice, Rejoice )
Rejoice, Rejoice ) 2ce
The Flock of Christ )
Verse 2.
Jesus our Lord shall come to reign in this world,
Right in the midst of this Holy Flock of Christ.
A thousand year shall he reign in this our world,
In the midst of the Flock here below.
(SUNG TO THE TUNE OF “Standing on the promises of God our Savior)
When the people of the Cherubim and Seraphim movement saw the glory of God being manifested in Holy Flock of Christ, it becomes desirous for them to join.
On 13th of August 1941, such request was brought to Most Ven. A.B. Lawrence. A.B Lawrence indicated to them that for such a request to be honored, some corrections on doctrines have to be undertaken.
These are:
- Corrections on visions
- Corrections on Praying
- Corrections on Dreams and Dreamers
- Corrections on Spiritual Workers within the movement
- Going to Iju has to stop
- Special Victory Prayer sessions has to stop
A reply was not received on this request, but some people join him individually. So let it be known to all that the mandate given from above to Major A.B. Lawrence is that this Holy Flock of Christ should remain separate from any Aladura movement. Combination with other churches is not possible.
Happenings after leaving the Aladura movement.
From the time of 14th of April 1932 after leaving the Holy Cherubim and Seraphim Movement, daily Morning Prayer is being held at his residence of 49 Kakawa Street, Lagos. His injunction to people was “Whosoever wants to come can come” This daily prayer was held till the 14th of May 1932.
The prayers are these:
- Prayer that all souls should become spiritually born-again before that great Pentecost day arrives
- Prayer that true spiritual worship will not become a thing of the past in the four corners of the world.
- Prayer that JESUS CHRIST himself should breathe on us anew, according to His promises in the Gospel.
Spiritually conscious people make it a point of duty to attend this daily morning prayers and they are being rewarded with the blessings of the Holy Spirit “breathing” in their daily affairs. This is being done in preparation for the “Big Pentecost Sunday” ahead, unbeknownst to us that this is day the name of this organization was going to be revealed.
The name is being already alluded to by visioneers in revealed vision at this daily prayer meet. Some of the visioneers saw a “CIRCLE” in vision, as a reference to “FLOCK”. But it has been alluded to from the inception that this is a ‘NEW FLOCK”. It is a thing of wonder that there is a unanimous agreement among all visioneers and dreamers on the revealed name given to this new organization; HOLY FLOCK OF CHRIST”. One of the visioneers of those days, a gentleman by the name of Emmanuel McCauley, who later became a Bishop in his own church in Odi Olowo, Mushin, Lagos, was a witness and one the people that confirms this.
Campus Square.
It was at these daily prayer meetings that A.B Lawrence made the announcement that there will be a special meeting/service of this new gathering in Campus Square, Lagos at dawn, 5:30 a.m. on Pentecost Sunday, May 15th 1932, a day in which we remember the sending forth of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. It started raining on 3:00 a.m. and we cannot help but wonder that this has been prophesied earlier by Most Ven. A.B.Lawrence that; “ Rain will be an obstacle for a lot of people in attending this special service”, and it was so. It was a heavy torrential tropical rain that it did disturbs a lot of normal conveyance from place to place.
The name “HOLY FLOCK OF CHRIST” was revealed and appended to this organization on that day. And the sign that attests to this is given from the mouth of A.B. Lawrence: “The glory sign appears on children, adult male and female. The children’s and female sign are a lot”.
The morning service was held in Campus Square that day. And after the service everybody present retires to Major A.B. Lawrence house on 49, Kakawa Street, Lagos to register their name in this new “Holy Flock of Christ” Organization. The number of people registered that day is 321.
These are the names of the registrar:
- Leader J.O Adefope
- Mr. G.A Martins
- Mr. Hector Labinjo
- Mr. J.A Bajulaiye
- Mr. J.O Osinbowale (the present Spiritual Leader, Holy Flock of Christ)
- Mr. J.O Erinle
Joy indescribable fills the hearts of those who registered their names on this day, just as passersby on Kakawa Street were filled with wonderment and curiosity. Also as an additional signs that was given is that two women that were pregnant start to labour in childbirth immediately after their names have been written down and three naming ceremony were done on the same day as the first naming ceremony in this flock.
In the evening of the same day, 15th of May 1932, a unified sign was present in the sky when we are all with one accord present for the evening service. This sign is appears like when things are unified with a circle, which was the way it appears over Campus Square. And this assures all present once more that the hand of Jesus Christ is on this new union and that He is indeed the head of this Flock.
These are the prayers offered in that evening service:
- That Spiritual worship will not become a thing of the past in the four corners of the world.
- That all nations should become spiritually born- again
The spiritual message to all of us that evening was that this Holy Flock of Christ would be made a covenant to the world if all of us members are spiritually and heavenly minded.
A revelation was then made with the Holy Flock Christ that “As the Almighty God has sworn with Abraham, the next entity He is swearing again with is Holy Flock of Christ”
Days of Worship
Prior to us moving to our present House of Prayer at 45 Okepopo Street, Lagos, we held all this important Christian event services and celebrations at 49, Kakawa Street, Lagos.
- Advent Sunday
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Eve Midnight Vigil Service
- Lenten Season
- Palm Sunday
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Ascension Day
- Pentecost Sunday
- Trinity Sunday
- Holy Michael’s Day.
Appointment of Officers
On the 21st of May 1933, when the first anniversary thanksgiving service of this newly formed organization is being celebrated; Major A.B. Lawrence in his capacity as the Spiritual Leader of the organization appointed officers and trustees to the following positions:
- Mr. C.B. Olumuyiwa was appointed to post of Senior Spiritual Elder (SSE)
- Mr. D.K Idowu was appointed to post of Spiritual Elder (SE)
- Mr. J.O Adefope was appointed to post of Spiritual Elder (SE)
- Mr. L.I. Gabriel was appointed to post of Spiritual Elder (SE)
- Mr. J. Ayo-Coker was appointed to post of Spiritual Elder (SE)
- Mr. M.A. Thomas was appointed to post of Spiritual Elder (SE)
- Mr. T.A. Oyesanya was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. E.O. Ayodele was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. S.I. Ogunfowora was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. J.O.Fakeye was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. M.I.Oje was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. F.A. Okutade was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. M.O Osisanya was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. J.O Onagoruwa was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. G.A. Martins was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. J.O. Richards was appointed to post of Superintendent
- Mr. E.A. Macaulay was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. J.A. Abodunrin was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. James. O. Taiwo was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. Theophilus Akin was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. P.A. Odutade was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. S.M. Odusanya was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. S.S.Aiyelabola was appointed to post of Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. Samuel S. Cdumbu was appointed to the post of Deacon
- Ms. Sarian Fiyakola Taiwo was a appointed to the post of Deaconess.
Evangelical Tour.
On the 29th of August 1932, Major A.B. Lawrence in his post as the Spiritual Leader of the Holy Flock of Christ Organization begins the first Evangelical Tour in this organization. Accompanying him was Mr. J.O Osinbowale. Their first port of call is Epe. They were joined on this tour on the 1st of September 1932 by Ms Emily Ogunlana and Ms. Elizabeth Adefope. Also shortly later they were joined by Ms. E.O Olumuyiwa, Ms Joanna Talabi and Ms Dorcas Talabi.
From Epe, they proceeded to Atijere, then to Ibadan, Fiditi and Odogbolu. They returned back to Epe then proceeded again the second time to Atijere, then to Ikoya, Peregun and eventually landed in Okitipupa.
Their pilgrimage is witnessed to by mighty works of healing and wonders being performed from their hands. The people of Epe, Atijere and Okititpupa testified to the power of anointing on Major A.B. Lawrence. It was also witnessed to by people of the said environs that A.B. Lawrence is unsurpassed compared to other “Leaders” in the same area. Unsurpassed in bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ and all the attending signs and wonders that accompany such activities.
The evangelical party returned to Lagos on the 17th of October, 1932 and a report of the evangelical tour activities was prepared and read by Mr. J O Osinbowale to all members of the Holy Flock of Christ on the following Wednesday Service.
It was during this first evangelical tour that Senior Spiritual Elder C.B. Olumuyiwa started the arrangement about buying the site of the present HFC headquarters. This is done because Major A.B. Lawrence has been advocating for this for a long time warning everybody that in the future his house at 9 Kakawa Street will not be large enough to accommodate all the projected future members of the HFC organization. Considerable amount of time has been spent on the search for this site, physically and spiritually. Major A.B Lawrence was constant in prayer enquiring about the site while C.B.Olumuyiwa spearheaded the physical search for a land within the city of Lagos. All this effort comes to fruition when the Lord eventually provided 45 Okepopo Street for HFC use and it was seen in vision that the site was cleansed and consecrated seven times before it can be used generally by the congregation.
On Holy Michael’s day, the 29th of September 1933, all members of the Holy Flock of Christ paraded; with fanfare, jubilation, songs and dance, from 49 Kakawa Street to 45 Okepopo Street, the new location of our House of Prayer. Thus the Holy Michael’s day Anniversary of that year was held in this new location. The Lord also made a new covenant with Major A.B. Lawrence on that powerful and fateful day.
Major A.B. Lawrence totally submitted to the call of God, came to sojourn and dwell in the House of Prayer, 45 Okepopo Street on the 13th of February 1934 as a full time Minister and he did not return to his own house until the call of the Lord to come home in the month of October 1943. A period of almost 10 years. He dwells in this House of Prayer amidst rain or sunshine, in heat or cold, amidst plenty of food and no food. He is always full of prayer and fasting for the Holy Flock of Christ and the entire membership, Nigeria, the whole continent of Africa and the World.
He always have words of comfort to the downtrodden. He physically gives out the food meant for him to those in need. He exemplifies the example of a Christian steward by letting the lost see Jesus Christ in him by the way he lived. He is an example of how a Christian earns his star according to Daniel:
“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. ” – Daniel 12: 3
In all this year of sojourning in the House of Prayer, he regarded all members of the Holy Flock of Christ as his brothers and sisters in the Lord. He became Fathers for the fatherless. Helped the widows. Have words of comfort for the sad. He rejoices with those who are joyful and have a heartfelt empathy for those who were smitten with misfortunes. He actually will find a way to turn your misfortune into good news by praying or actually given you funds to help. He assists the members with fasting and praying. He does not gloat in your downfall but He does rejoices with you in your success and always thank the Lord for you in his prayers. He prays for the pregnant and the sick. He provides clothing for those who are near-naked and he is always ready to receive a stranger into his abode without asking for a lodging fee.
This was in continuation to his work in Kakawa Street. He has been given the mandate in October 1926 to engage in the redemption of souls. And because of this, his house is an open door for anybody that needs physical and spiritual assistance. He freely prayed for people without demanding fees. He assisted the sick without regards to his own health and without demand any remunerations. The writer of this history was an eye witness of all this and he personally on one occasion has to wash seven pots that were used in preparation of food for the sick. This was in 1931 at Kakawa Street.
Major Lawrence does not get angry. He is always calm. He is not vengeful. He is always forgiving. He became Christ-like in his ways, works and deeds. He lives the example in the book of Ephesians:
“With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love” Ephesians 4:2
Major Lawrence used Agape love to administer and oversaw the flock the Lord has given to his care, feeding them with love and the Word of God. He does not rules over the flock with strength. He obeys the Word of God spoken to Peter in the scripture:
“The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. ” I Peter 5: 1-4
This was the way Major Lawrence lived. Using the Word of God as guidance both day and night to administer the flock that was entrusted to his care.
On the 20th of February, 1932, Major A.B. Lawrence request a leave of absence from his secular job in order to go and seek the Lord’s face in prayer upon Olorunkole’s hill, in the vicinity of Ibadan.
This are the prayer points of that day:
That all nations might become born-again in the Lord
That “spiritual worship” of Jesus Christ may not be a thing of the past in the four corners of the world.
The message that resulted from the visions seen in the prayer meeting of that day was printed for all to see and to be distributed. (See Appendix 1)
Upon returning from this trip, he went straight to his house in Kakawa Street and he instructed Mr. S. I. Ogunfowora to accompany him to Ibeju beach. A call that he followed without hesitating and the Lord later reward him because S.I. Ogunfowora later became the overseer of this Holy Flock of Christ before being called to the Lord at the age of 94 years. He sent a message to his wife that “ The call of the Lord came to him suddenly amidst his sojourn in the wilderness of life and he must heed this call”.
He was joined on this trip on the next day by Mr. J.O. Osinbowale (the present Spiritual Leader and the writer of this book) while Mr. S.I Ogunfowora came back home. J.O Osinbowale served as a disciple to A.B. Lawrence for the entire Lenten season of the year 1932 because catering to all his needs at the Ibeju beach prayer ground, for A.B. Lawrence spent the entire Lenten season at this location. It is a thing of wonder that this lowly servant and “Confidential Secretary” of A.B. Lawrence from 1930, was eventually appointed the Spiritual Leader of the Holy Flock of Christ in 27th of May 1994, after serving in various capacity in the organization for 52 years. Glory be to God!
Major A.B. Lawrence was full of prayer, especially in preparation for the establishment of the Holy Flock of Christ throughout this period. He does not sleep near the beach, as some does; but he retires to a house in the Ibeju village to sleep after praying and fasting for the day.
The History of the founding of the Holy Flock of Christ could not be complete without mentioning the three brave spiritual warriors in the Lord.
It was these three men that stood with A.B.Lawrence in the Cherubim and Seraphim movement. They also stood with him when he founded the Holy Flock of Christ, in all the things that he did. They worshipped the Lord day and night, and serve with one heart and mind. They did not join any secret cult. They are true minister who fed the sheep with the Word of God.
We are happy to testify that these three leaders fought the good fight of the faith and lay their swords down at the Saviour’s feet. When the battle is hot and encouragement is needed, these leaders are always appearing to us in the spirit to encourage us who are still engaged in this contest. We hear their joyful and victorious songs, thus we are refreshed, encouraged and empowered to continue the spiritual fight.
Leader Claudius Babington Oyeneye OLUMUYIWA
The 1ST Senior Spiritual Elder, 1ST General Secretary of the Holy Flock of Christ Organization and a very close and dear friend of A.B. Lawrence
Claudius Olumuyiwa was one of the seven leaders appointed by Baba Aladura Moses Orimolade from the Cherubim and Seraphim movement.
He was a European appointed Accountant in his secular job. He was highly educated, very skilled in the English language and a very popular Lagosian. He previously worshipped at the Cathedral Church of Christ, Lagos Nigeria; a place where he was a very influential member. He emptied himself of all this glory to heed the call of God to serve in the Cherubim and Seraphim movement initially. He carried on this humble, patient and God fearing spirit to eventually serve with distinction under the founder of Holy Flock of Christ. Also he was a very close personal friend to A.B. Lawrence and a God fearing man.
His last word on the 22nd of June 1939 was “Although the spirit is aged, but the vision is very lucid”
These were his last act as the Senior Spiritual Elder:
- Chairman, Anniversary Committee 1939
- Overseer, Sunday Bible Class
- De-facto new child naming officer
- Trustee and a Pillar in the Holy Flock of Christ
- Chairman, General Conference (Yearly)
- Chairman, Egba and Egbado Tribal Society
- Overseer, Monday Morning Prayer Meetings
- Overseer, Spiritual Outing Prayer meetings, Wednesday at 5:30 a.m
Leader Daniel Kolawole IDOWU
2nd Senior Spiritual Elder and the Overseer of the Holy Flock of Christ Organization (1946-1955)
Daniel Kolawole Idowu was the fifth leader appointed among the seven leaders selected by Baba Aladura Moses Orimolade from the Cherubim and Seraphim movement. The matle of leadership fell on him after A.B. Lawrence death as the first Overseer of Holy Flock of Christ after A.B.L. He served the Lord with all his might and cleaved to the truth until he was call by the Lord in November, 1972. He was 100 years old
Leader Joseph Olukoya ADEFOPE
General Secretary of the Holy Flock of Christ (1932-1943). Spiritual Elder (1933-1955) Spiritual Leader (1955-1977)
Joseph Adefope was one of the seven leaders appointed by Baba Aladura Moses Orimolade from the Cherubim and Seraphim movement.
He was a devoted Christian right from his youth. He was the Secretary under Baba Aladura Orimolade in the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement. As a matter of fact he was the one that wrote down Major Lawrence name down in the enrollment register of the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement.
He was a highly educated and used this knowledge to serve God in the Holy Flock of Christ. He was also a highly regarded Visioner. He became the Spiritual Leader of the Holy Flock of Christ in October 1955, a position he held until his call to glory in 27th of April 1977.
Major Lawrence was very fond of him and loved him very much. He always refers to him as “Joseph”. When A.B.L was on his last breath, one of the things he said was “Give the mantle of leadership to Joseph”. A prophecy fulfilled when he became the Spiritual Leader twelve years later.
Joseph Adefope served the Lord with all his might and power in the vineyard he was appointed to.
Wednesday Spiritual/Revival Meeting:
The first Wednesday Spiritual/Revival meeting in the Holy Flock of Christ was held on the 18th of May 1932. The venue for this meeting was first held in Odunlami Street because of the “fear of the Jews”, but was later moved to 49 Kakawa Street, at the founder’s house.
Saturday Midnight Vigil:
The first Saturday Night vigil was held first on the 21st of May 1932. It was the midnight that preceded the Trinity Sunday of that year. Any generation that cancel this midnight vigil for any reason will be accountable to the Almighty God because this vigil is by divine commandment and it is at this prayer meeting that God Almighty wards off evil occurrences that would have afflicted us.
Sunday Divine Service:
The first Sunday Service was Trinity Sunday, the 22nd of May 1932. A divine service was held in the morning and evening.
Sunday Bible Class:
Sunday Bible Class was administered among five Leaders in their house of residence. This was a practice that was continued from the Cherubim and Seraphim movement.
They are:
- Leader A.B. Lawrence in 49 Kakawa Street, Lagos. This served as a temporary headquarters for the Holy Flock of Christ organization
- Leader C.B. Olumuyiwa in 176 Bamgbose Street, Lagos
- Leader D.K. Idowu in 23 Koseh Street, Lagos
- Leader J.O Adefope in 3 Balogun Street, Lagos
- Leader J. Ayo-Coker in 38 Martins Street, Lagos.
After the transition to 45 Okepopo Street, all bible classes were moved here but the class distinction was still maintained. Only now the classes have grown from five to eight.
We now have:
- Class 1 Adult Class
- Class 2 Adult Class
- Class 3 Adult Class
- Class 4 Adult Class
- Class 5 Adult Class
- Class 6 Adult Class
- Class 7 Adult Class
- Class 8 Juvenile Class
Juvenile Class is further subdivided into:
- Juvenile Class Part 1 Beginner learners of the Yoruba language
- Juvenile Class Part 2 Beginner readers (ABD) of the Yoruba language
- Juvenile Class Part 3 Intermediate Yoruba language readers
- Juvenile Class Part 4 Above Average Yoruba language readers
- Juvenile Class Part 5 Advanced readers capable of reading the Bible
Bible class was usually held between 2:00 p.m and 3:00 p.m. and the modus operandi is simple and proceed like this. The Bible theme of the day will be read by everybody in their class, a person will give words of exhortation on this reading, a hymn was then sung by everybody and the founder will say the grace to bring the class to a close.
The Holy Flock of Christ branch in Ebutte Metta was inaugurated on Sunday, the 29th of June 1932 in the house of Mr. T.A Oyesanya. He was the first Senior Superintendent in the Flock.
The preacher that day was Leader D.K Idowu. Word of exhortation was also given by the founder A.B. Lawrence. Mr.V.E Campbell read the first lesson while Leader C.B Olumuyiwa read the second lesson.
First Evangelical Tour
The first missionary/evangelical tour undertaken by the founder started on the 29th of August 1932.
He was accompanied by the following people:
- The founder Major A.B. Lawrence
- Mr. J.O Osinbowale
The following ladies joined the founder in Epe on the 1st of September 1932:
- Ms. Emily Ogunlana (later became Deaconess in HFC)
- Ms. ErnestinaOlumuyiwa (later became Assistant Deaconess)
- Ms. Elizabeth Adefope (later became Assistant Deaconess)
- Mr. J.F. Fenaiwo
- Mr. Timothy Fenaiwo
- Ms. Joanna Talabi
- Ms. Dorcas Talabi
- Ms. Comfort Fenaiwo
Anniversary in Epe:
On Sunday the 11th of September 1932, the Holy Flock of Christ Organization held it’s first anniversary of the Epe Branch which was attended and witnessed by a lot of members from Lagos.
A notable event that transpired the previous Saturday on their way to Epe was that the ship that was transporting the pilgrims nearly sank because of a leak underneath. The Lord gave us victory that day despite the fact that a lot of the people has given up hope. Deacon Samuel S. Odumbu son was able to repair the leak and every soul landed in safety. While this was going on, the founder was full of prayer concerning the matter and we were glad that the Lord perform His wonder that day.
Anniversary in FIDITI:
The anniversary of Fiditi branch, which was held on Sunday the 25th of September 1932, followed fortnightly after the Epe’s one. It was called a second anniversary. The reason being that an earlier anniversary has taken place in 1931 under a different authority, but now has to conform to the year of Holy Flock of Christ counting.
These are some of the people that were present at the anniversary:
- Major A.B. Lawrence
- Prophet Emmanuel Adesanya (Preacher for the occasion)
- Mr. E.O Ayodele
- Mr. G. A. Martins
- Mr. M. O Oguntoyinbo
- Mr. E.A Macaulay
- Mr. E.M. Akinyemo
- Mr. J. A. Dawodu (A Lawyer)
- Mr. S. O. Oyatogun
- Mr. Joseph Abodunrin
- Mr. Z.A. Odunrinde
- Mr. J.O Osinbowale
- Mr. Joseph Bankole
- Ms. Olufunmilayo Olumuyiwa (C.B Olumuyiwa’s daughter)
- Mr. Emmanuel Oyelekun
- Mr. Simeon Olunde
The first Conventional Services was held on Thursday, the 15th of December 1932 and the respective Conventional Parade on Sunday, the 18th of December 1932.
Conventional Services was also held on Thursday the 22nd of December 1932 in Denton Street, Oyingbo, Ebutte Metta, Lagos.
Saturday, 13TH OF January 1933:
An athletic sports event was arranged by the founder A.B.L to mark the 50th birthday celebration of his ver close friend and co-worker in the vineyard, Senior Spiritual Elder C.B. Olumuyiwa.
The chairman of the judges on that day was Leader J.O. Adefope while the judges of the events were Mr. C.O.Blaize, Mr. T.B. Johnson and Mr.J. Majek-Akinloye respectively.
G.A. Martins J.A.Bajulaiye
M.O.Osisanya J.O.Onagoruwa
A.M.Folaji M.I.Oje
J.O.Osinbowale J.O.Erinle
J.O.Richards T.A.Macaulay
Olufunmi Olumuyiwa J.O.Fakeye
Adegbite Olumuyiwa
Venue: Lewis Playing Ground
1st of April 1934:
Beginning of Sunday Services:
Morning and Evening Sunday Divine services begins in 45 Okepopo Street, Lagos at 9:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m. It was divine mandated through the founder that we should be in our spiritual robe for this services.
The Lord made a covenant with Holy Flock of Christ thus:
Morning Service: The light of the Lord will perpetually shine for us seeking the way of life.
Evening Service: I will save those whom I’m going to save because I have pleasure in their congregating in My house on My day”
10th of April 1934:
First Open Air Services for Women Members. Held on Andrew Street, Lagos
29th of April 1934:
An extension of the Cherubim of the Order of Morning Service was instituted in Ebutte Metta; in the house of Superintendent J.O Onagoruwa.
4th of March 1934:
The tribal society of Yoruba and Ekiti was instituted in the Flock with 104 members registered, with named officers below:
1. Spiritual Elder L.I. Gabriel Chairman
2. Mr.A.M. Folaji Assistant Chairman
3. Mr.W.A. Staveley Secretary
4. Mr. J.A Bajulaiye Secretary
5. Mr. T.A. Ogungbamgbe Treasurer
6. Mr. S.S. Aiyelabola Treasurer
The objectives of the society are listed below:
To facilitate the expansion of the Holy Flock of Christ, particularly in their town and state of origin
To make sure that ministers posted to their home town are well paid
To evangelize their region of origin
To assist the Holy Flock of Christ growth through financial contribution, acts of worship and spiritual stewardship.
11th of March 1934 (Monday):
The tribal society of Egba and Egbado was instituted in the Flock charged with the same objective above, with named officers below:
1. Senior Spiritual Elder C.B. Olumuyiwa Chairman
2. Spiritual Elder D.K.Idowu Treasurer
3. Superintendent M.I. Oje Secretary
5th of August 1934:
Dedication of the House of Prayer in Odogbolu.
September 1934:
Landed property secured for Holy Flock of Christ use in Fiditi
2nd of September 1934:
A branch of the Holy Flock of Christ was instituted in 35 Makinde Street, Surulere, Lagos; with Superintendent G.A. Martins as the officer in charge.
9th of September 1934:
Superintendent F.A Okutade appointed as the officer in charge of H.F.C branch in Odogbolu.
1st of October 1934:
Held the first morning prayer of the week.
21st of February 1935:
It is noted that the choristers donated a lectern for the use of this organization.
July 1935:
Superintendent M.I.Oje appointed as the officer in charge of the H.F.C, Ijebu Igbo branch
4th of August 1935:
All Holy Flock of Christ members convenes at the HFC Ijebu Igbo
10th of October 1935
First Solemnization of Holy Matrimony service in 45 Okepopo Street was held between Superintendent J.O. Fakeye and Miss. Ibijoke Adelaja.
Parlour Marriage was also held for Mr. Alfred Oyesanya and his wife at 152 Denton Street, Ebutte Metta, Lagos.
November, 1935:
Institution of the Tailor Society. 36 original members charged with various spiritual robe preparation in the Flock, particularly that of Conventional Robe
June – September 1935:
3 months pastoral journey of the Founder, A.B.L. HFC Branches visited are Odogbolu, Ijebu-Igbo, Fiditi, Epe, Atijere, Ehin-Osa, Aredi, Oru. Awa and Ago-Iwoye.
7th of February 1937:
First Baptism of members by A.B.L
2nd of August 1937:
The first Evangelical Society Tour for the propagation of the gospel. Members named below
- Superintendent F.A. Okutade
- Superintendent J.A. Olutusin
- Ms Emily Ogunlana
- Ms. Jemima Oyesanya
- Ms. Adina Pedro
- Ms. Christiana Peters
- Ms. Alice Oshode
- Ms. Dorcas Aina
- Ms. Eunice Ogungbamigbe
- Ms. Patience Lawrence
22nd of December 1938:
Second Solemnization of Holy Matrimony service in 45 Okepopo Street was held between Mr. J.O. Osinbowale and Miss. Olayinka Adesanya.
22nd of June 1939:
Senior Spiritual Elder C.B. Olumuyiwa called home to be with the Lord
15th of October 1938:
First Building Project improvement meeting held, led by ABL. Pledges writeen down that day was 424 pounds sterling and the building was finally started in 17th of May 1947.
August 1940:
The Holy Flock of Christ branch in Ibadan was instituted in the house of Mr.Adekoya. 47 people were witnesses of this event.
25th of April 1943:
Selected female members were posted to the new post of Female Prayer Warriors. Although these functions were being performed by these women before and the fact that a lot of Spiritual Officers are now luke-warm in their prayer ministry.
Their duty resumes officially on the 11th of June 1943.
6th of May 1943:
Abiodun Lawrence made a trip to Olorunkole hill to fulfill a vow made to the Lord. The vow was that he will come back to this mountain to give thanks to the Lord after twelve years has elapsed since he was given a divine mandate to start the Holy Flock of Christ Organisation.
Some of the vision/messages given that day were:
The humble shall inherit good things from the Lord.
All Sectional leaders were being assembled and question by a Holy Person standing in front of them. He enquires of them about the Baptismal Robe and what kind of spiritual work are they doing now. He is asking each one of them, “Where is the first blessing that you had when you first believed in the Lord?
- Hector Labinjo
- D.O. Martins
- A.A. Ola
- G.P.Dopemu
- Wale Tubi
- Ajayi Clegg
Pastor I.O. Abijo-Oseni has been appointed as the ChoirMaster since 1980
The pipe organ was dedicated on Saturday, 16th of May 1953
Additional Info
- Sunday Divine Worship Service – 9:00 AM
- Bible Class – 11:00 AM
- Evening Services – 6:30 PM
- Morning Prayer (Mon-Sat) – 6:00AM
- Wednesday: Revival Service – 7:30 PM
- Friday: Prayer Meeting – 6:00PM
- Saturday: Midnight Vigil – 12:00 AM
That may God the Creator of mankind remove far away from us whatever might debar us from receiving forgiveness for our sins in works, thoughts and deeds in all our meetings since morning. Oh thou who promised to save repentant sinners, be merciful unto us we pray, and grant that we may forsake at least one of our sins so as to sow the seed of repentance as true Christians.
That may the Holy Trinity help us that we may know that obedience is better than sacrifice and that faith, hope, charity, kindness and other virtues may be our assets during this Lenten season, and may the good Lord forgive all our unrighteousness and grant us pardon for sins inherited.
That the love to keep the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai may grow in us, and the Lord grant us pardon for the sins committed and that we live in eternity with Christ at the end of our earthly journey.
That may the Lord shower on all of us His blessings so that our perambulation during the forty days and forty nights may not be for naught at last. The door of truer repentance which is wide open may not close on us from above and in the highest name to which every knee should bow, even the Name of Jesus Christ Our Savior, we may receive life everlasting.
Supreme Headquarters
45 Okepopo Street, Lagos Nigeria
Phone: 01-2633390, 01-7646664
Spiritual Leader
Most Venerable J. A Adefope
General Secretary
Venerable J. O. Babalola
1A Iyagan Street
Ebute Metta
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-in Charge: M.O.B Daniel
Odo Aloro Qtr
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: E. J. Ifegbesan
B41 Oyo Rd
Oke Oluwas Fiditi
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: S. O. Alabi
41 Bonojo Street,
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: S. A. Bakare
5. AWA
98 Obafemi Awolowo Avenue
Awa Ijebu
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. A. Adewumi
SW5/414 Foko Amule
Box 117
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: T. Olabamidele
4 Adegbenro Street
Box 68 Yaba
Officer-In-Charge: B. O. Onitunere
Imere Road
Sawmill Area
Ago Iwoye
Officer-In-Charge: Ven. J. K. Idowu
19 Araromi Street
Aiyetoro Mushin
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Ven. Jacob O. Kalejaiye
114 Oshodi Road
Orile Oshodi
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: A. O. Idowu
32 Abraham Akinola Street
Mangoro Bus Stop, Ikeja
Lagos Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: A. B. Lawrence
12 Imam Shuabu Street
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: G. A. Okutade
26 Odufuwa Street
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Oluwole Odufuwa
14. ONDO I
107 Surulere Street
Ondo, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: E. Omoshola
7 Dakobiri Street
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: S. A. Oyelewu
Kogi State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Paul. O. Evinemi
Kogi State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Johnson Alabi
P. O. Box 196
Edo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. O. Anate
Oyo Road
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. A. Olanite
Ibadan Road
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: T. O. Akanji
Ijaye Road
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: O. Abodunrin
Kogi, State
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: David Okararihi
HFC off Ajitadun Road
P. O. Box 3247
Sapon, Abeokuta
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. T. Olatunji
23 Oredein Street, Oku-owa Road
Irolu Remo
Officer-In-Charge: E. O. Oyelana
13 Odogbo Road
Isalu Araromi, Ogona Igbesa
Officer-In-Charge: A. A. Ajose
Okenwen, Kogi State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Emmanuel Onimisi
Kogi State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Joseph Oluwadare
17 Mission Street
P. O. Box 20
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. O. Ayoade
29. OTTA
7 Anglican grammar School Road
P. O. Box 322
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: D. A. Idowu
54 Zamba Street
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: M. T. Akinosho
Kogi State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Daniel Aroge
Agada Qtr
P. O. Box 35
Officer-In-Charge: K. Bodunrin
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Michael Evinemi
B-59 Iku St
Ondo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Paul Abasi
9 Irebami Lane 4
Box 989
Osun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Jonna Okunnuyi
7 Kehinde Street
Ogudu Ojota
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Gabriel Adeika
25 Majaro Street
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Samson Simpa
Tope Olaiya Ave
Off Araromi Street
Ondo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: E. A. Amuleya
1329 Cottman Avenue
P. O. Box 15307
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Officer-In-Charge: Ven. John O. Abiola
Alhaja Rafat Mart
Off Agrc Bus Stop
Officer-In-Charge: D. Olutusin
Ajowa, Ondo State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Paul Ajiga
Abere Road
Officer-In-Charge: A. Aboderin
Ayeyemi QTR
P. O. Box 849
Ondo, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: G. Adegbaju
Edo State, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Paul Shaibu
Lokoja, Kogi State
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: David Otori
34 Okepopo Street
Agbowas Ikosi
Officer-In-Charge: E. B. Ogunbiyi
Oluwa Ododowa Street
Odo Ona-Elewe, Ibadan
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. O. Ogunleye
Magesi Centre
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: David Gbenu
Agemowo, Lagos
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 20
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Samuel Wusu
Block 647
Keba COnstruction Co
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: S. A. Akinwunmi
Adogo, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Emmanuel Enesi
9612 Norfolk Ave
Laurel , Maryland
U. S. A
Officer-In-Charge: Femi Olugbile
Ven J. P. Crescent
Osun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Ven. James Okatarihi
Hospital Road
Odo Oba
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Michael Oyekunle
Ajaokuta, Kogi State
Mailing Address
c/o Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Zacheaus Olude
13 Umuoma CLose
Igbo Elerin
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: O. Adekunle
7 Aiyegbemi Street
Ipara Remo
Officer-In-Charge: Michael Ogundein
Tanie Age Road
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Matthew A. Agan
K.M. 1 Settlement Road
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: D. A. Olanite
39 Aba Market Street
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: A. O. Adekoya
Okun Owa Road
Ijesha Ijebu
Ogun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Gabriel Abegunde
62. IWO
2-6 Esther Adeyemi Street
Testing Ground Area
Osun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Benjamin Adeika
Lagos, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 20
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: James Todowede
Ilogbo Eremi, Nigeria
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 20
Lagos, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Peter G. Awesu
Oyelewu Street
Ori Okuta, Imota
Lagos State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: S. A. Akinbowale
66. OYO
Box 163
Oyo State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. A.Olanite
Beside Babalola Estate
Ekiti State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Jeremiah Ozizi
Ilode Obalorun Akintola Street
Osun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: J. Olagbaju
Okere Ajayi Street
OkeOmiru, Ilesa
Osun State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: Matthew Abdul
Ogun State
Mailing Address
c/o Box 27
Kogi State, Nigeria
Officer-In-Charge: John Lawal
Bethlehem, Israel
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 15307
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Officer-In-Charge: Daniel Abiola